Monday, June 29, 2015

On The Alaskan Highway

 Finally starting down the Alaskan Highway.  There are many stops and interesting places along the way.  Even with my 3 years of planning and learning about our trip it never really hit how much time we would spend in Canada.  "We were going to Alaska!!"  More like "We are going to Canada, with a run through Alaska."  Or at least that's how it is feeling with a few weeks behind us and many more ahead. Roads are paved in many areas and where they are trying to fix or patch, just gravel.  They try to mark the bad spots with road signs. Our short stop in Fort Nelson was a beautiful drive and an interesting stop at the local museum.  The  owner/curator was a long white bearded senior gentleman that has a wonderful knack of re-inventing things into new uses, and a great collection of antique vehicles and items on display.  My favorites were the garden items. Old bathroom sink attached to an outside wall with dirt and flowers in it. Wash machine drum with dirt and flowers in it. Old drilling pipeline with old chair back attached for a bench like seating area.  Gives me good ideas!  Short 2 hour stop but off we go. There were signs posted along the side of the road for bad pavement areas, or sometimes orange flags - but great to have the heads up.
Spent the night in a pull off on top of a mountain pass.  Huge areas for pull offs and there were 2 other motor homes already there, so figured this must be a good spot.  Beautiful views, until the clouds moved in and stayed.  Quite a few semi's came in but they didn't run their generators all night so made sleeping easy.  Up and off in the morning by 8am after Randy wipes down all the vehicles from the dew. A quick stop at Toad River Lodge to see that thousands of caps stapled to the ceiling and many along the walls.  Small 6 table restaurant with a tiny gift shop.  Took a few pictures and on our way (Well we had to nab a Cinnamon roll too for Randy's breakfast). 

Liard Hot Springs - Pulled into the huge parking lot (which was empty) across the road from the springs.  Many vehicles pulled into the springs but we weren't sure we would find parking large enough.  Found out there is room, if not a busy day with caravans or tour buses.  So we had about 1/2 mile walk or less to the springs.  Wonderful boardwalk over the wetlands and there is this very modern building with bathrooms and changing rooms.  Steps down to the river.  We learned quickly to start in the river way left, as the water is "cooler" 100-102 degrees and work our way to the main area 107-110 degrees.  We didn't spend much time in the main area, too hot for us.  When we had a hot tub 101 degrees was our setting and too hot for Randy at times.  Beautiful clear water and surroundings.  There is upper spring's area to soak but they had it closed off due to bears.  Makes for a great visual:  Family of bears on "holiday" just woke up and walked miles to the berry patch.  Oh says Mama Bear, a bath.  Papa bear says, great place to rest my tired feet and back.  Baby bear says, Cannonball !!!  Probably not, but it's what my brain thought.  Quick lunch in the parking lot, and off we go to put on some more miles today.

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